In 2023, the Singapore Police Force got over 2500 harassment reports about licensed money lenders. This high number shows how important it is to deal with this problem. You have the right to borrow money in Singapore without being afraid of harassment.

This article aims to help you avoid harassment by licensed money lenders in Singapore. You’ll discover what harassment looks like and what your rights are. It will also show you how to deal with aggressive collection methods. You’ll learn about prevention, getting legal aid, and where to find emotional support. After reading, you’ll be ready to protect yourself from the bad actions of licensed money lenders.

Understanding Licensed Money Lender Harassment

If you borrow money in Singapore, knowing what’s considered harassment by licensed money lenders is important. This type of harassment involves actions that are not professional and are against the law. It includes things like making threats, using intimidation, constantly calling, and showing up at your place unexpectedly.

What Constitutes Harassment?

Harassment takes many shapes when it comes from licensed money lenders. Some examples are:

  • Threats of violence or harm – They might threaten to hurt you or your family if you don’t pay as they say.
  • Verbal abuse and intimidation – They could use hurtful words, insults, or other methods to scare you.
  • Persistent and frequent phone calls – They might call you all the time, even many times in one day, to push you to repay.
  • Unexpected and unwanted visits – They can come to your home or work without warning, which can be unsettling.

Common Tactics Used by Unscrupulous Lenders

Shady lenders often use various schemes to take advantage of and bother borrowers. These can include:

  1. Making false claims They might lie to scare or pressure you into paying.
  2. Exploiting vulnerabilities They focus on people in tough financial times to benefit from their desperation.
  3. Utilizing abusive language Some might speak rudely, use bad language, or insult you to weaken your spirit.

Recognizing these harassment methods is a crucial first step in fighting against them. Knowing about the tricks unethical lenders use helps you protect yourself. It allows you to defend your rights and look after your own well-being.

Know Your Rights as a Borrower

As a borrower in Singapore, you’re shielded from harassment by licensed money lenders under the Moneylenders Act (Cap. 188). You have legal rights that prohibit overbearing collection methods and restrict the use of threatening language or behavior. Additionally, lenders must clearly explain their loan terms and conditions to you.

The protections for borrowers from licensed money lenders empower you against any wrongdoing. It’s crucial to know your rights, as outlined by the Ministry of Law, to avoid violations and prevent harassment. If you experience any form of harassment, you can report the incident to the Registry of Moneylenders or the police to seek assistance and ensure your protection.

Know Your Rights as a Borrower

Knowing your legal rights as a borrower in Singapore is key. It helps you stay safe from harassment by licensed money lenders. And, you can take the right steps if anyone violates your rights.

Dealing with Aggressive Collection Tactics

Facing aggressive collection tactics from money lenders is tough. But staying calm, knowing your rights, and being assertive helps. This section offers strategies to counter threats and avoid harassment. It also gives tips on managing phone calls and visits from lenders.

Responding to Threats and Intimidation

When a money lender threatens or intimidates you, keeping your cool is key. Make sure to document each interaction, noting when and what happened. This info can help if you have to fight back legally. Assert your rights firmly and communicate that abuse is not okay. If the lender doesn’t stop, reporting them is an option.

Handling Persistent Phone Calls and Visits

Continuous calls and sudden visits from lenders can be very disruptive and stressful. To take charge, set boundaries. You could tell the lender you’ll only accept written messages through registered mail. If they don’t back off, legal help is there to safeguard your peace and privacy.

By using these tactics, being resolute, and keeping detailed records, you can face the challenges. Remember, you have the right as a borrower to be treated fairly. You can push back against bad practices.

Seeking Legal Assistance

At times, you might need legal help dealing with harassment from money lenders. When things get out of hand, or you feel your rights are being abused, it’s wise to involve legal experts. They can steer you right and safeguard your interests.

When to Involve the Authorities

Have you been threatened, intimidated, or faced with other unfair actions from a money lender? It could be the right time to involve the authorities. You can report this to the Ministry of Law or the police. They will look into the issue and take necessary steps against the lender.

When you report money lender harassment, you are not just seeking help for yourself. You’re also playing a part in making the industry better. This help from the authorities is crucial. It ensures that any wrongdoings are dealt with and protects your rights as a borrower.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Harassment

Dealing with harassment from licensed money lenders can be tough. The best way is to prevent it from happening. Start by taking steps to keep these issues away. This will help keep your money safe and avoid trouble.

Carefully Vetting Licensed Money Lenders

Finding a good licensed money lender in Singapore is vital. Do your homework to make sure they are trustworthy. Check their credentials, license, and if they follow the law. Also, look at what others say about them online. Knowing about their customer service and standing in the community is important.

Understanding Loan Terms and Conditions

Know exactly what you’re agreeing to before signing any loan papers. Study the payment plan, interest rates, and extra fees. This step will help you steer clear of problems and make sure you’re choosing something you can handle financially.

Checking everything thoroughly and understanding loan terms and conditions is key. It helps to keep away from money lender harassment and stop harassment from licensed money lenders in Singapore. These actions protect your rights and encourage better practices among moneylenders.

Licensed Money Lender Harassment

In Singapore, many people face harassment from licensed money lenders. They use unethical tactics, making the lives of borrowers hard. Tactics include abuse, threats, and forceful collection methods. These can hurt someone’s money and feelings.

One way lenders harass is by using threats to get people to pay. They call often, show up at homes or jobs, and may use bad language. These actions are not only scary but also illegal.

Lenders also take advantage of borrowers’ weaknesses. They might lie about loans, add hidden fees, or scare people about not paying. This makes borrowers feel stuck and even more stressed.

Sometimes, things get worse when lenders use very forceful ways to collect. They might bother a person’s family or friends or even threaten to hurt them. Such actions are against the law and can cause serious problems in a person’s life.

Examples of Licensed Money Lender Harassment

Learning about these types of harassment can help borrowers. It helps them see the signs and protect themselves. Staying informed and cautious is key to fairly dealing with money lenders. Awareness helps ensure a good and honorable borrowing experience.

Maintaining Proper Documentation

When facing harassment from licensed money lenders, keeping good records is key. Record every detail of your talk and gather proof if they do something wrong. This way, you can safeguard yourself and act legally if needed.

Keeping Records of Interactions

It’s crucial to jot down each time you talk to a licensed money lender. Keep notes on phone calls, messages, and meetings. Write the date and what was said, and note down the person’s name you spoke to. This info will be really useful if you have to show your case. Online Credit recommends this practice to ensure you have a detailed account of all interactions.

Securing Evidence of Harassment

Along with keeping records, try to get solid proof of any harassment. This might be recording talks if it’s allowed by law or getting written info from the lender. Keep any frightening messages or letters you receive. Creating a detailed paper trail helps back up your argument if you go to court.

Don’t forget, a clear and complete documentation system is vital for dealing with licensed money lender harassment. By taking notes of your contacts and keeping proof of harassment, you can protect yourself well. And you ensure the law deals with any illegal behavior by the lender.

Emotional Support and Self-Care

Being harassed by money lenders can feel overwhelming. It’s important to take care of yourself during these tough times. Get emotional support and use self-care techniques. These steps will help you endure and stay strong.

Start by looking for counseling services or support groups. These are for people facing money lender harassment. They offer a safe place to talk, get advice, and learn how to cope. You can manage stress, anxiety, and other effects better.

It’s also key to do things that make you feel better. Try meditation, mindfulness, or activities you enjoy. Eating well, exercising, and sleeping enough are important for your mental health.

Remember, you’re not on your own. Talk to friends, family, or professional mental health providers for help. Focus on your mental health. This will give you the strength to deal with money lender harassment.

Reporting Unethical Lender Practices

If you’ve faced harassment or seen bad acts from a money lender in Singapore, it’s vital to tell the right people. This way, you can keep yourself safe and help improve how money lenders work.

Filing Complaints with Relevant Authorities

To report bad practices by money lenders, you need to make a complaint. In Singapore, you can talk to the Ministry of Law or the police about harassment by money lenders and filing complaints against them.

You must gather proof like emails, text messages, and loan papers before filing a complaint. Having this evidence makes your case stronger and helps the investigation.

After collecting all needed proof, you can tell the Ministry of Law or the police. You can either fill out a complaint form or call the Ministry. Or, go to your local police station to file a report, giving them all the details and evidence you have.

Remember, your complaint is taken seriously. The authorities will look into the matter. By speaking up against bad practices, you are helping everyone who uses money lenders in Singapore.

Learning from Past Experiences

Dealing with harassment from a money lender is tough but can teach us valuable lessons. This experience can help us grow and learn. We can use what we learn to avoid such situations in the future and make our finances stronger.

Rebuilding Financial Stability

If you’ve faced harassment from a money lender, fixing your finances is key. Start by making a plan to tackle your debts. Setting a tight budget is also important. You may want to get help from financial advisers too.

It’s wise to look closely at money lenders before you work with them. Research their background and check what others say about them online. Making sure they follow the rules and act ethically is vital. Being careful before you borrow money can help you stay away from bad lenders.

It’s also important to know your loan’s terms well. Reading all the details, asking about hidden costs, and trying to get better terms can protect you. This way, you can keep your finances safe and avoid problems.

Good financial habits like budgeting and saving are important. They prepare you to face tough times. By applying these lessons, you can get your finances back on track. This will help you stay away from similar problems in the future.

Final Thought – Licensed Money Lender Harassment

Online Credit is a trusted legal money lender in Singapore, helping diverse groups of people secure financial assistance. With a strong reputation for transparency and fairness, Online Credit ensures that borrowers receive clear explanations of loan terms and conditions, safeguarding their rights under the Moneylenders Act (Cap. 188).


This article has helped you understand what to do against harassment by licensed money lenders in Singapore. You’ve learned about your rights, steps to protect yourself, and what to do next. Knowing common tactics and your legal rights can help you stay safe financially.

You can fight harassment and get help for a fair lending experience. Key steps include checking lenders well, knowing loan terms, and keeping good records. Also, report any bad behavior to the authorities. This will shield you from money lender harassment.

Dealing with these issues isn’t easy, but you’re not alone. There’s help and support for you. Focus on your well-being and take action. You can come out of this stronger, rebuild your finances, and move ahead with confidence.

FAQs – Harassment by Licensed Money Lenders

1. What constitutes harassment by licensed moneylenders?

Harassment by licensed money lenders includes threats of violence or harm, verbal abuse, persistent phone calls, and unexpected and unwanted visits. These actions are unprofessional and against the law in Singapore.

2. How can I protect myself from licensed money lender harassment?

To protect yourself, maintain proper documentation of all interactions, secure evidence of harassment, and report any incidents to the Registry of Moneylenders or the police. Knowing your legal rights under the Moneylenders Act (Cap. 188) is also crucial.

3. What are the common tactics used by unscrupulous lenders?

Common tactics include making false claims, exploiting borrowers’ vulnerabilities, and using abusive language. These methods are designed to intimidate and pressure borrowers into repayment.

4. What rights do I have as a borrower in Singapore?

Under the Moneylenders Act (Cap. 188), you are protected from overbearing collection methods and threatening language. Licensed money lenders must clearly explain loan terms and conditions, ensuring transparency and fairness in all dealings.

5. When should I seek legal assistance against money lender harassment?

Seek legal assistance if you experience threats, intimidation, or any other form of harassment. Report the incident to the Ministry of Law or the police, who can investigate and take necessary actions against the lender.